Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Different ways to access SharePoint 2013 list data

In this blog we will discuss about different ways to access SharePoint list data using client APIs. In my previous posts we have discussed about API references in SharePoint 2013, Create list using SharePoint 2013 client object model and New web parts in SharePoint 2013.

Inside an SharePoint App, you can use different client APIs for business logic. Below are some APIs:

- .NET Framework client object model: This is available in a redistributable package from SharePoint Client Components. If you prefer LINQ syntax, you can use it with this library.

- Silverlight client object model: This is also available in the same redistributable package and you can also use LINQ syntax with it.

- JavaScript client object model: This is a library in a .js file that includes all the same functionality as the managed code object models.

- REST endpoints: SharePoint 2013 provides REST/OData endpoints that can be accessed from any web client, including non-Microsoft clients and servers. If you prefer to use LINQ syntax, you can do so with this same web service from any .NET Framework platform.

- Mobile client object model: This is available for use on Windows Phone. devices. The assemblies are available in %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions \15\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\ClientBin and must be included in the .xap file of the mobile app.

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