Friday, December 5, 2014

Hide left navigation using jQuery in SharePoint 2013

In this post we will discuss how to hide left navigation using jQuery in SharePoint 2013.

Also check out:
- Accordion Style Left Navigation using JQuery and CSS in SharePoint 2010

- Upload Excel Data to SharePoint using Import Spreadsheet option in SharePoint 2013

- HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable error in SharePoint 2013

Put the below code in a script editor web part or content editor web part.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function retrieveListItemsInclude()

This will hide the left navigation from the page.

How to create subsite in SharePoint 2013?

To create a sub site in SharePoint 2013, we need to follow below steps:

Click on the Settings icon from the top right corner. Then go to Site Contents, this will open the site contents page.

Here go down to the Subsites section and click on

In the New SharePoint Site page, give a Title, Description and the Web Address.

Then choose the Template, here we have choosen Team site.

If you want the subsite to use the same parent site permission, then in the Permission section select Use same permission as parent site.

Then click on Create this will create the sub site.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to give item level permission in SharePoint 2013 list items?

We will discuss how we can provide item level permission to list or document library items in SharePoint 2013. Through this item level permission, we can define unique permission to that particular item.

In this sample, I have a list name as TestList1 and I want to give item level permission to one of the list items. First, open your list in the browser and then select the particular list item and then click on ... like below:

Read Microsoft Flow Step by Step Tutorial with Examples

This will open the menu, click on "Shared With" as shown in the fig below:

In the Shared With dialog box, it will display to whom the item has been shared. Click on ADVANCED as shown in the fig below:

This will open the PERMISSIONS page. Each item has a permission of the parent by default. To give unique permission we need to Stop inheriting permission from the parent and then we can give unique permission to the item. So click on "Stop Inheriting Permission" as shown in the fig below:

If you are using chrome browser, then Stop Inheriting Permission will come under PERMISSIONS -> Inheritance -> Stop Inheriting Permissions like below:

Then this will display a message saying you are about to create unique permission for this item... Click on OK.

Now you can give permission by clicking on the Grant Permission button from the Ribbon or you can select any group and click on Edit User Permissions if you want to modify any user permissions as shown in the fig below:

Similarly, if you want to remove permission for any particular group, then you can select the group and click on Remove User Permissions. It all depends on your need.

Revert Back:
Now if you want to revert back and want to inherit permission level from the parent then simply click on Delete unique permissions as shown in the fig below:

Then it will ask for a confirmation message that you are about to inherit permission from the parent... Click on OK.

SharePoint 2013 Add item to list using JavaScript client object model

In this post we will discuss how to add an item to SharePoint 2013 list using JavaScript object model. In this example we will provide an option for user to enter the title for the item and user can click on the button to save the item.

In my previous post we have discussed about: SharePoint 2013 Disable Windows Authentication prompt, Search Engine Optimization in SharePoint 2013 and New action in SharePoint designer 2013 workflow.

I have a SharePoint list and I want to insert item to that list. We will write the code in a script editor web part.

<script type="text/javascript">
function insertitemtolist()
var title=document.getElementById('txtTitle').value;
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext("http://win-pfcp2dgt8di/sites/EnjoySharePoint/");
var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('TestList1');
var item = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation();
var oListItem = oList.addItem(item);
oListItem.set_item('Title', title);
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed));
Enter Item Title: <input type="text" id="txtTitle" /> <br/><br/>
<button type="button" onclick="insertitemtolist();">Insert Item To List</button>

Hope this will help you !!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

LepideMigrator for Documents Key Features

LepideMigrator for Documents is a very powerful tool for content migration from File Servers, Exchange Public Folders and Office 365 Public Folders to SharePoint. So if you have plan to do content migration to SharePoint, then this is a right tool for you.

This is how it works:

Before using any tool which we basically pay for, we should understand or we should know the features of the tool.

Here we will see some of the key features of the tool. You can also check out the tool review here.

Key Features:

Single Tool for All:
This is a single tool for all, your local folder where you have installed this tool, your exchange public folder and for your Live Exchange folder. Once you installed this tool, you can map to all the folders like below:

Bulk Migration:
You do not need to waste time by migrating individual files, you can select all the files in one shot and do a bulk migration. The tool will generate a csv file of the selected contents which you can migrate either manually or through the scheduled migration option.

Metadata Migration:
Metadata in SharePoint is very much helpful, it will help while searching for any documents. So while migration it is very much useful to associate the metadata to every file. LepideMigrator for Documents helps us transferring attributes not even to file to folder, email, contact etc. also.

Users and Permissions:
This tool will map users between source and destination (SharePoint). In SharePoint, security and permission are very much important. People should not see private documents. This tool will also help in migrating file permissions. So user can view the file which they have permission.

Analyse before start migration:
This is one of the feature I like most, you can analyse whether the selected content can be uploaded to the SharePoint server or not. You will be able to know what all issues may come during migration.

Automatic Migration:
Another cool feature of this tool is you can schedule an automatic migration from File server or Public folder to SharePoint server. Content migration is always a time consuming process, so you can schedule the job according to your convenient time.

You can schedule to run daily, weekly, monthly or only once. There are also other options are there.

Connect to Multiple servers:
If your documents are in multiple file servers, do not worry as long as you are using "LepideMigrator for Documents" tool. You can connect to multiple file servers in the network. It will manage the individual connections to User Mailboxes, Archive Mailboxes and Public Folders of any Exchange Server or Office 365.

Various Platform to choose from:
Another feature of this tool is that it can run one major windows OS versions starting from Windows XP to Windows Server 2012 R2 including Windows 7 and Windows 8 also. And also it supports virtual environments like Hyper - V Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Virtual PC etc.

Supports SharePoint Servers:
It supports both on premise SharePoint as well as SharePoint online. Like it supports SharePoint Foundation 2013 (on premise and Online), SharePoint Server 2013 (on premise and Online) and SharePoint Online (Office 365).

Full support of Outlook Exchange Servers:
Do not worry even if you are using the first version of exchange, because this tool supports Exchanges Server 2000 to 2013 and also Office 365. Similarly it also supports Outlook 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013 versions.

Write Logs:
The tool will write logs while migrating, just you need to enable the option in Profiler General Settings. And also you can set the connection timeout as Infinite, so that you will not worry about the timeout.

Lots of Settings Options while Uploading:
While uploading file from local system, you will have lots of settings options like whether you want to overwrite existing file or not, whether you want to add new versions to an existing file or not. Apart from this you can also give various filter conditions like filter based on date (greater or less than a given date), filter based on creation date or modified date. You can also filter based on file name, file extension or file size.

Invalid (illegal) character replacements:

SharePoint 2013 does not allow special characters in name, and this tool provides an option to replace illegal characters (~,#,%,{,} etc.) with valid characters such as underscore (_).

Saturday, November 22, 2014

SharePoint 2013 Online There are no items to show in this view of the listname list

In this post we will discuss how to change the message There are no items to show in this view of the list name list which comes when there were no items in the list in SharePoint 2013 Online.

Put the below script into a content editor web part.

function ChangeNoListItemDefaultMessage()
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("TD")
for (var i=0;i-1)
a[i].innerHTML = "Your Customized Message One Goes Here";
a[i].innerHTML = "Your Customized Message Two Goes Here";


SharePoint 2013 Minimal Download Strategy

In this post we will discuss what is Minimal Download Strategy in SharePoint 2013 and how to enable or disable Minimal Download Strategy in SharePoint 2013.

Before this article we have discussed some of the new features of SharePoint 2013 as will as we have discussed how to use script editor web part with a sample code.

In the web application concept where user send a request and got a response back, the whole web page will be reloaded even if you update the whole page or a part in the page.  And this causes some performance issue for the end user like page loading time etc.

SharePoint 2013 introduced a new feature known as "Minimal Download Strategy (MDS)".  This Feature allows for partial page download which basically speedup page rendering. MDS alls
When MDS is enabled all pages for that site is rendered through the /_layouts/15/start.aspx page like when you request the home page or any other page then it will be like below:
URL when MDS is NOT enabled: http://site/SitePages/Home.aspx
URL when MDS is enabled: http://site/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/SitePages/Home.aspx
Internally the the start.aspx page has a specific JavaScript object asyncDeltaManager which is responsible for this activity.

How to Enable/Disable Minimal Download Strategy (MDS) Feature:
By default this Feature is enabled on Team sites, community sites etc in SharePoint 2013. Remmber if you Deactivate the feature to disable Minimal Download Strategy (MDS) then you will loose the benifit of caching.

To enable or disable MDS feature Open SharePoint site, then from the Settings icon click on Site Setting. This will open the Site Settings page, Click on Manage site features under Site Actions. Then in the Site Features page, search for "Minimal Download Strategy" featue. Then click on Activate (if you want to enable MDS) or DeActivate (if you want to disable MDS).

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Embed Code example in SharePoint 2013

In this post we will discuss how to insert Youtube videos to SharePoint 2013 page using Embed code.

Before doing anything Open Youtube and go to your video and then click on share and then click on Embed and copy the iframe code. It should be like below:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Then Open your SharePoint 2013 site and then from the settings Icon, click on Edit page. Then from the Ribbon click on INSERT tab and then click on Embed Code.

Then in the Embed dialog box, paste the Youtube code which we have copied in the above step. Then click on Insert. Here it will also show in the preview.

Now save the page and it will appear like below:

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The remote server returned an error (401) unauthorized sharepoint 2013

If you got the below error while developing a SharePoint hosted app:

The remote server returned an error (401) unauthorized.

Then try the below solution:

Add the below tag in web.config of your web application:

        <add key="aspnet:AllowAnonymousImpersonation" value="false" />

Hope it will work.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Set People Picker field to empty or blank in SharePoint designer workflow

Sometimes you need to set a people picker field value to empty in some condition in in SharePoint designer workflow.

Also check out:

I have a scenario like this:
I have a customized SharePoint InfoPath list form which contains a People picker field. Whenever user submit the form an email will trigger to the email id presented in the people picker. Now my requirement is to set the people picker blank once the email sent. So tried various solution like created a variable and set it to empty and then assign that variable to the people picker. Then created another people picker field and assign that people picker in the Set value to value action. This also did not work for me.

The solution which work for me is in the Set value to value (Set field in Current Item action), I did like Set EmailTo to [space]. Here space means a space without bracket.

Not sure whether it is correct approach or not, and if you have any better option then please Share with us.

Set Text field to empty or blank in SharePoint 2013 designer workflow

Here we will discuss how we can set text field value to empty in SharePoint 2013 designer workflow.

Here I was a very simple requirement, after sending one email in designer workflow I need to make a text field to empty in the workflow itself. There is an action available in SharePoint designer workflow name as "Set Field in Current Item". It is easy to set a field value with another field value using this action, but no direct way to set blank or empty in that action.

So here I created a local variable in the workflow with default value of empty and assign that variable to my text field.

Also check out:

To create a local variable click on the Local variable button in the Ribbon as shown in the fig below:

Then in the Workflow Local Variables dialogbox, click on Add and then give a name and chose the data type as string and then click on OK. Finally the local variable dialog box should look like below.

Now add an Action name as Set Field in the current item. Click on the First value link and choose your field name. Then click on the second value link, it will open the Look up dialog box. In the Data Source: choose Workflow Variables and Parameters. Field From Sourece: Your workflow variable name that we have created above. And Return Field As String as shown in the fig below:

Now your full action should look like below.

And it should work fine now. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Steps to create master page using design manager in SharePoint 2013

In this post we will discuss how we will create master page using design manager in SharePoint 2013.

Master Page: It is the common layout of a page that we use in every pages.
Default Master Pages in Sharepoint 2013: "Seattle" and "Oslo"

For Example:- I have made a basic layout through HTML as shown in below figure, which will be used in every pages of the site in Sharepoint 2013.

- How to implement the above HTML page in Sharepoint 2013 as a Master Page with examples?


- First go to your respective Top level site. (i.e Asish Sharepoint Site).
- Then click on "setting" button at the top-right corner of the navigation bar.
- Then click on "Design Manager" as shown in below figure.
- If design manager is not available there, then go to the Site Collection features and activate "Sharepoint Publishing Infrastructure."

- Then you will redirect to the below page.

- As shown in the above figure click on "Upload design files" which is marked in red color.

- Then copy the URL and paste the same in another tab to open Master page gallery as shown in above figure.

- When the the "Master page Gallery" window appears as shown in the above figure, then navigate to the FILES tab and create a NEW FOLDER(e.g I have created ASISH folder) to maintain your files in an organized way .

- Then click on your respective folder that you have created.(for e.g  ASISH)

- When the above page will appear, then click on "FILES" tab and then click on "Upload Document" to add your HTML, js, css files and Images.

- Choose your HTML file and click on OK button

- Then the above form will appear where you fill the details as shown in above figure which is marked in red color.

- NOTE: When you are uploading a HTML file as an Master Page always choose the Content type as "HTML Master Page" and check on "Associated file" to create its corresponding master page as shown in below figures.

- Then Click on "Save" button.

- Your HTML page i.e "demomasterpage1.html"along with its master page i.e "demomasterpage1.master" has been created.
- Then we have to publish the corresponding html page by clicking on the drop down box near to the corresponding html page( as shown in below figure) to implement it in our pages.

- After completion of these steps then go the "Design Manager" and click on "Publish and Apply Design" then the below page will appear.
- Then you have to click on "Assign master pages to your site based on device channel" to implement it.

- Then the below form will appear where you have to select your master page.

- If you are selecting your master page on "Site master pages" level then your master page will reflect on your Custom pages.
- But if you are selecting your master page on "System Master Page" level then your master page will reflect in your Application Pages.
- And finally click on OK button.
- Then add a page to see whether the master page is reflecting or not.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Lookup To address from list in SharePoint 2013 designer workflow

In this post we will discuss how we can lookup To address from a SharePoint list while sending emails using SharePoint 2013 designer workflow. If you have put any static email id in the SharePoint designer workflow for sending emails, then any time you need to change the recipients, you must open the workflow in the Workflow Designer and make the changes manually. So it is better to lookup the To or CC field from a list.

Also check out:

So first create a SharePoint custom list and the column which will contain the email id can be a Single line of text, Multiple lines of text, or Person or Group type columns. If you use a Person or Group column, only one entry can be made in each field that the workflow will reference for e-mail addresses. When creating the column, be sure to select No under Allow multiple selections. If you want to use this type of column to specify multiple recipients, you can create a SharePoint group that includes the people that you want the workflow to address the e-mail to, and then specify the group in the field. When creating the column, be sure to select People and Groups under Allow selection of.

In our case we will create a column which will contain a single user. For user convinient rename the Title column to Workflow Name and other column say WorkflowToId. Then we will add one item to the list Where the Workflow Name="My Test Workflow" and the and save the item. So the list with the item will look like below. Here Workflow Name is also important because we need to give this value in the designer workflow.

Now open you workflow in SharePoint designer 2013 and then click on the To icon to open the Select User dialog box. In the dialog box, click on "Workflow lookup for a User...". This will open the Lookup for Person or Group dialog box. Here in the datasource choose the list name that we made in above, and then Field from source the column name that contains the email id, in our case the column name is "WorkflowToId". Then in the other section, choose Field as the Title column of the new list, in our case we rename it as "Workflow Name" and then in the Value box write the value presented for that column. In our case it is My Test Workflow.
The dialog box will look like below:

After this the email will be send to the To address which is presented in the list. So afterwads if you want to change the To email id, simply change in the list, no need to open the workflow. If you want to add more To address, then you can add additional columns and store and use like above.

Site pages links missing in SharePoint 2013

Sometimes you will not see Site Pages link under Look and Feel in Site Settings. Here we will discuss how we can bring back Site Pages link.

Open SharePoint site, from the right side click on Settings icon and then click on Site Settings.

Under Site Actions click on "Manage site features".
Then in the Site Features page, search for "Wiki Page Home Page" feature and click on Activate.
Go to Site Settings > Under Look and Feel Click on Welcome Page. It will appear like below:

SharePoint 2013 Disable Windows Authentication prompt

In this post we will discuss how to disable the windows authentication prompt which we usually got while opening a SharePoint site. If you are working in your local system and every time it is asking for user name and password it is better to save the authentication so that it will not ask repeatedly.

Open Internet Explorer, then click on Tools -> Internet options.
Then in the Internet Options dialog box, Click on "Security" tab.
Then click on "Local Intranet" -> Custom level..
This will open the Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone.
There scroll down to end you will find "User Authentication" and then Logon.
Here choose the radio button "Automatically login with current user name and password".
Click OK.

Then restart your IE browser.

Now it should not ask you to enter windows credentials details.

SharePoint 2013 online error msoidcliL.dll file is missing

In this post we will discuss how to resolve error msoidcliL.dll file is missing which sometimes you will get while working in SharePoint online office 365. Also check out:

If you are working in SharePoint online (Office 365) and trying to authenticate sharepoint using SharePointOnlineCredentials, sometimes you may get the error saying msoidcliL.dll file is missing.

We have to use SharePointOnlineCredentials object if we are trying to authenticate in Office 365 (SharePoint Online) using ClientContext.

Here if you got the above error then first check whether the msoidcliL.dll exists in the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\Client.

If it is not presented then download the SharePoint Server 2013 Client Components SDK from this MSDN URL and install it.

Now it should work fine.

SharePoint 2013 error connections to the SharePoint server are currently disabled because the project is in Offline mode

In this post we will discuss how to resolve error connections to the SharePoint server are currently disabled because the project is in Offline mode which comes when trying to Uninstall an app in SharePoint 2013.

If you got the below error while uninstalling an app in SharePoint 2013:
Error occurred in deployment step 'Uninstall app for SharePoint': Connections to the SharePoint server are currently disabled because the project is in Offline mode. To connect to the SharePoint server, switch to Online mode by setting the project’s Server Connection property to Online, and then try the operation again.
then follow the below solution, may work for you.

Open SharePoint project and then Select solution.
Now Press F4.
In the Properties window check for "Server Connection".
Here Select : Online and then Save.

Now it should work fine.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Error occurred in deployment step ‘Install app for SharePoint': The provided App differs from another App with the same version and product ID.

Recently while trying to deploy an SharePoint 2013 App, I got the below error:

Error occurred in deployment step ‘Install app for SharePoint': The provided App differs from another App with the same version and product ID.

The error is coming because an app has already been deployed and you are deploying it again using the same version. So the solution is to change the version.

Open the AppManifest.xml file and change the version.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Edit SEO Properties disabled in team site in SharePoint 2013

In this post we will discuss how to edit seo properties if the Edit SEO properties link is disabled in page -> Manage -> Edit Properties.

Also check out:
- Hide DeltaSuiteLinks like NewsFeed, SkyDrive, Sites in SharePoint 2013

- Working with Chart Web Part in SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2010

- eDiscovery in SharePoint Server 2013

While I am trying to add SEO properties into my sharepoint 2013 site by following this article, But here the Edit Seo Properties link is coming as disabled. But the site is a team site not a publishing site.

Now I did not find a solution how to enable the link.

But I got a solution how to directly open the SEO properties page and update the SEO properties.

Below is my site URL


And now change the URL like below  and it will open the SEO edit properties page.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

There has been error while loading the form error in Infopath 2013

In this post we will discuss how to resolve the error There has been error while loading the form which comes while opening a published infopath form 2013.

Also check out:
- Ghosting Unghosting in SharePoint

- SharePoint 2013 designer workflow discontinued features

- Activate Group Work Site Template in SharePoint 2013

Recently some users when try to open the infopath form from a link by following this article, some users got the below error.

The error message says.There has been error while loading the form. Click Try again to attampt to load the form again. If this error persists, contact the support team for the web site.

Click close to exit this message.

Error details:
The following file is not a valid infopath form template.

Here the problem in this case was with the URL. First I was giving the below URL:

Then I gave the below URL and it is working now.


Do not know why it is happening but it resolved the issue in my case,

Steps to Add hyperlink in Infopath 2013

There are two ways we can add hyperlink to a Infopath 2013 form. Here we will discuss both the ways to do this.

Also check out:
- Hide search box in home page in SharePoint 2013

- Move Site Collections to other content databases in SharePoint 2013

- SharePoint Designer 2013 Workflow Email Link To Edit Item or Display Item

We can add hyperlink from the Insert tab which is shown in the below pics. Here user has the option to edit the hyperlink URL and the text to be displayed in it.

Once you put the hyperlink from the Insert tab it will ask you for the Address and Text to be displayed.

The other one is inside the controls list.

Go to the Home tab and then from the Controls click on Hyperlink. Once it will add you will able to see field1 and field 2 under myFields in Fields section. Here field1 is responsible for the URL and field 2 is responsible for the text to be displayed in the hyperlink.

Now right click on field1 and go to the properties, in the properties dialogbox give the URL in the Value textbox as shown in the fig below:

Now right click on field2 and go to properties. In the properties dialogbox in the value textbox give the text to be displayed as shown in the fig below:

Now preview the infopath form, the hyperlink will appear like below.

Hope this will work for both Infopath 2013 and Infopath 2010.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Download ULS Viewer for SharePoint 2013

Microsoft released ULS Viewer for SharePoint 2013. It is a very good tool for developers to get very good debugging information. This version has some very good fixes.

Here is the download link for ULS Viewer.

Download LInk

Direct Download Link.

Also check out:

- How to Get Current Logged in User and Display Name using SharePoint 2013 REST API?

- SharePoint 2013 Best Practices

- Differebce between Sandboxed solution and Farm Solution in SharePoint

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Difference between SharePoint-hosted, auto-hosted and Provider-hosted apps in SharePoint 2013

In this post we will discuss about the different hosting option for apps in SharePoint 2013. There are 3 hosting options SharePoint hosting, provider hosting and azure auto hosting.

Also check out:

- Change local debugging URL in visual studio 2012 for SharePoint 2013

- Different authentication types supported in SharePoint 2013

- Create an Application Page in SharePoint 2013 using Visual Studio 2012

SharePoint hosted app:

This type of App lives inside SharePoint. There is not code running on the server. All code must run in the client. This will have .aspx page but lots of JavaScript code that will implement the logic via client side script and service calls.

Auto-hosted and Provider-hosted apps comes under cloud hosted app. These apps hosted outside of SharePoint server. Since its hosted outside of SharePoint server you have the freedom to develop an app using any language like PHP, Java or .Net. You can write server side code here which will communicate with SharePoint server. Here it will use OAuth protocol for authentication mechanism.

Provided hosted app enables developer to define its own infrastructure which may be a dedicated server or may be a cloud server provided by providers like Amazon.

Azure auto hosted app is available with Office 365. It contains a web project and a sql project. If you are a Office 365 customer and selected the azure autohosted deployment option, then it automatically wired up al the integration to Azure.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.LMTRepopulationJob id threw an exception

The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.LMTRepopulationJob (ID 50134f59-757c-4d0e-a4c2-74b2620ab047) threw an exception. More information is included below.

Unexpected exception in FeedCacheService.IsRepopulationNeeded: Unable to create a DataCache.
Also you can check out:

- Create Apps using Office 365 development tools Napa

- Change local debugging URL in visual studio 2012 for SharePoint 2013

- Different authentication types supported in SharePoint 2013

As the exception message suggested the SPDistributedCache may be down.
So to verify this you need to (re)start AppFabric Caching Service. To start the service:
1) Open the Run prompt then services.msc
2) Select AppFabric Caching Service.
3) Double click the service.
4) Set start up type to Automatic and then click on Start.
5) Then apply and then OK

Now the exception should not come.r

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Get team site list and library templates in SharePoint 2013 publishing site

In SharePoint 2013, team site has lots of templates compared to publishing site. But you will be able to get the templates by activating a site collection feature.

Also you can check:

- What happen when you press F5 in Visual Studio in SharePoint 2013

- SharePoint: Custom Media Video Player using JQuery

- Hide search box in home page in SharePoint 2013

Team sites app templates like Form Library, Picture Library, Document Library, Announcements, and lists like Calendar, Contacts, Custom List, Custom List with DataSheet View, Promoted Links, Discussion Board, External List, Issue Tracking List, Links, Project List, Survey, Tasks etc are not by default come in publishing site.

All the above templates comes by activating "Team collaboration lists" site collection feature. To activate the feature, Click on the Settings Icon from the right top and click on "Site Settings". The click on "Manage site features" from the Site Actions section. Then in the list of features page, Search for Team Collaboration Lists and click on Activate as shown in the fig below:

Create SharePoint 2013 Publishing Site

Here we will discuss how to create a SharePoint 2013 publishing site. Web Content Management (WCM) in SharePoint Server 2013 consists of features and functionality that you use to configure, customize, optimize, and publish site collections, sites, and pages. When we talk about publishing sites in SharePoint Server 2013, we are referring to sites that use one or more of these features to author and deploy branded artifacts, content, and configuration files to Internet, intranet, and extranet sites.

Also check out:

- Cross-site publishing in SharePoint Server 2013

- Shredded Storage new feature in SharePoint 2013

- New Embed Code in SharePoint 2013

Below are the steps to create SharePoint 2013 publishing site collection:

Open SharePoint 2013 Central Administration, then From the Application Management click on Create site collections.

This will open the Create Site Collection Page. In this page select the web application for which you want to create the site collection, Give a Title, Description and choose the URL.

In SharePoint 2013, you can chose the version like 2013 or 2010 and the from the Template Select Publishing category and then select Publishing Portal.

Then chose a Primary Site Collection Administrator and Secondary Site Collection Administrator as shown in the fig below.

Then click on OK. The publishing site will got created.

Check out this article to know more about Difference between Team site and Publishing site in SharePoint 2010.

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