In this post we will discuss about custom page layout in SharePoint 2013. Also you can see how to Create Page Layout using SharePoint Designer 2010, and also you can check how to Change page layout programatically in publishing site.
To create a page layout follow below steps:
Open the SharePoint site, Then navigate to Site Settings and under Look and Feel section click on Design Manager.
Then from the Layouts page, Click on the Edit Page Layouts and then from the right hand side click on Create a page layout.
The above step will open the Create page layout page. In this page give the page layout name, select the master page which it should associate and then select the content type and then click on OK.
Now the page layout will be available when you will try to edit the page.
Remember in SharePoint 2013, the page layout have 2 files now, one .aspx file and .html file.
You can also check Cross site publishing in SharePoint 2013, image rrenditions in SharePoint 2013 and What's new for mobile devices in SharePoint 2013.
To create a page layout follow below steps:
Open the SharePoint site, Then navigate to Site Settings and under Look and Feel section click on Design Manager.
Then from the Layouts page, Click on the Edit Page Layouts and then from the right hand side click on Create a page layout.
The above step will open the Create page layout page. In this page give the page layout name, select the master page which it should associate and then select the content type and then click on OK.
Now the page layout will be available when you will try to edit the page.
Remember in SharePoint 2013, the page layout have 2 files now, one .aspx file and .html file.
You can also check Cross site publishing in SharePoint 2013, image rrenditions in SharePoint 2013 and What's new for mobile devices in SharePoint 2013.