Saturday, September 22, 2012

SharePoint 2013 interview questions and answers

Here are some SharePoint 2013 interview questions and answers mentions.

1- What's new in SharePoint 2013?

2- What's new for developers in SharePoint 2013? [Click here for Answer]

3- What's new for IT Pros in SharePoint 2013?  [Click here for Answer]

4- What is an App model in SharePoint 2013?

5- Which DotNet framework SharePoint 2013 supports?
6- What is the hardware requirements for SharePoint 2013?  [Click here for Answer]

7- What are software requirements for SharePoint 2013?  [Click here for Answer]

8- What is the database requirements for SharePoint 2013?  [Click here for Answer]

9- What are the different browsers supported by SharePoint 2013?  [Click here for Answer]

10- What is new in Workflow in SharePoint 2013?

11- What are the new Site Templates in SharePoint 2013?

12- What are the site templates obsolute in SharePoint 2013?

13- Is there any new webparts introduced in SharePoint 2013? And If yes What are the names?

14- Is Sandboxed solutions exists in SharePoint 2013?

15- What's new in social computing in SharePoint Server 2013 ?

16- Can you explain Physical architecture and logical architecture of SharePoint 2013?

17- What are the new improved social feature in SharePoint 2013?

18- How SharePoint 2013 search works?

19- What cloud app model in SharePoint 2013?

20- What is the work of Community Sites in SharePoint 2013?

21- What are the new master pages introduced in SharePoint 2013 compared to SharePoint 2010?

22- What are the new improvements in SharePoint designer 2013?

23- What are the new improvements in Visual Studio 2012 for SharePoint 2013?

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