Monday, December 9, 2013

What happen when you press F5 in Visual Studio in SharePoint 2013

In this post we will discuss what will happen when you press F5 while developing an App in SharePoint 2013 using Visual Studio 2012.
Also you can check out my previous posts on:

- Apps packaging in SharePoint 2013

- Create Apps using Office 365 development tools Napa

- Hide search box in home page in SharePoint 2013

F5 key debugging also is there in visual studio for SharePoint 2013. When you press F5 by default Visual Studio uses IIS Express as the localhost for debugging sessions.

To debug the app for SharePoint, you need to be connected to SharePoint Developer Site and allow the application to be trusted if needed.

Below are the steps performed by Visual Studio when you press F5 (followed from Professional sharepoint 2013 development book)

1. It builds the Web Application Project if needed.

2. It changes the URLs in the AppManifest.xml and other project fi les.

3. It packages only the SharePoint-specifi c artifacts into the Open Package Convention (OPC).

4. It uninstalls the SharePoint App.

5. It installs the SharePoint App (OPC) using the life cycle API.

6. It updates the Hosts fi le if Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) is not used.

7. It launches the Web Application Project in IIS or IIS Express if there is one.

8. It updates the web.confi g with the correct client ID.

9. If the LaunchUrl in the App manifest is set to a site page in the App Project, then launch the
browser to the LaunchUrl. If not, Visual Studio just launches the All apps page.

10. Visual Studio attaches the script debugger or Silverlight debugger.

You can also check What exactly happens when we do F5 in Visual Studio 2010 in SharePoint 2010?

Hope it will be helpful !

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