Monday, October 27, 2014

Set Text field to empty or blank in SharePoint 2013 designer workflow

Here we will discuss how we can set text field value to empty in SharePoint 2013 designer workflow.

Here I was a very simple requirement, after sending one email in designer workflow I need to make a text field to empty in the workflow itself. There is an action available in SharePoint designer workflow name as "Set Field in Current Item". It is easy to set a field value with another field value using this action, but no direct way to set blank or empty in that action.

So here I created a local variable in the workflow with default value of empty and assign that variable to my text field.

Also check out:

To create a local variable click on the Local variable button in the Ribbon as shown in the fig below:

Then in the Workflow Local Variables dialogbox, click on Add and then give a name and chose the data type as string and then click on OK. Finally the local variable dialog box should look like below.

Now add an Action name as Set Field in the current item. Click on the First value link and choose your field name. Then click on the second value link, it will open the Look up dialog box. In the Data Source: choose Workflow Variables and Parameters. Field From Sourece: Your workflow variable name that we have created above. And Return Field As String as shown in the fig below:

Now your full action should look like below.

And it should work fine now. 

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